Hello! My name is Ms. Moby.
I am a Welsh Corgi and also a Tooth Scientist.
I was created by a dental hygienist,
Toni Owen Alaimo. She is a
dental educator
and a functional medicine health coach.
Together we have a passion for educating
elementary school students to connect good
self-care habits with the science of their teeth.
This combination of knowledge allows
students to understand how to
NEVER have a cavity!
Delving into all the new science that
connects the mouth to the body
is our favorite pastime.
We look forward to sharing
this information with your students.
Stay connected by checking out
my social media sites.
2nd and 3rd Grade
Dental Science Program
presented by
Toni Alaimo, RDH
In-classroom program includes:
the anatomy of the tooth
the mouth - body connection
how to read a nutrition label
the science of sugar
the formula for decay
the importance of pH and saliva
a microscope and pH
test-strip demonstration
oral home self-care tips
program tailored to time allotted
Each student will receive a
Tooth Scientist dental bag
with a toothbrush, floss, toothpaste,
dental-science activity book and a tooth scientist sticker.
Contact me below with
any questions and to schedule
an in-classroom program.
Looking forward to
hearing from you!
Why the Tooth Scientist?
No More Nasties- Brushing for Kids!- Proper Brushing Tips
In 2015, I worked for the Montgomery County, Maryland, Health and Human Services dental program. Wanting to teach more than just brushing and flossing, I shared the science of teeth and how it is possible to never have a cavity. Working in a clinical setting, I explained the science to my patients, and many would comment "no one ever told me that." Fast-forward to my bucket list, I decided to write a book. Sharing this information with students and families is at the top of my list!
Having practiced dental hygiene in clinical and educational settings for over 25 years, I have seen the self-care movement progressing. New research in the health sciences combined with the information being posted on the internet has allowed us to learn "how to" and to also question our health care.
Love of learning is one of my top character strengths, so becoming a functional medicine certified health coach was the next step. This combination allows me to keep current with mouth-body science connections.
Being a member of the National Network of Healthcare Hygienists, the American Academy of Oral Systemic Health, the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, and the Alliance for a Cavity Free Future, keeps me up to date with the latest science .
My dental licenses include Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia.
The Tooth Scientist dental bag is filled with a soft toothbrush, dental floss, toothpaste, activity booklet and action sticker.
Putting the Tooth Scientist dental bag together was done with much thought, especially what toothpaste would be best.
Two choices are the Natural Dentist and Hello, formulated for children. They both list all their ingredients and are sls free. Picking dental floss was easier, as Dr. Tung's floss is easy to grip and hugs the sides of the tooth when flossing.
A suction cup on the bottom of a brush allows the bristles to air dry. I loved making the dental science activity book and filling it with all the topics presented to the students during the classroom program.
All the students get a "I'm a Tooth Scientist" sticker to proudly wear, so they can share all they learned with their families.
If you would like to purchase additional Tooth Scientist dental bags, see the shopping area below. (shopping coming soon) Thank you!
This video, created by Colgate, captures all the steps for good dental home care.
It's great to show to the students.